July 24, 2008

new architectural materials

an architect friend sent me this link to a lecture by Blaine Brownwell .

the lecture is really great - he talks about new materials for buildings [like windows that actually house solar panels with in them instead of having to place panels as an add on]. and then goes through a litany of recycled, re-purposed products [a cool lamp out of drinking straws]. it's really cool.

watch the video


  1. v. cool! thanks for the heads-up lisa!

  2. Sweet! I am always beyond excited when all of you put up a new post!

  3. Hi, I'd like to speak with you regarding your blog. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. Thanks! -Dave

  4. hi dave,

    you have to give us a way to contact you - i couldn't find you on the website that you link to.

  5. Hey Lisa-- I just bookmarked your blog, it's been some good reading. Speaking of cool environmental things, have you seen this Hybrid Safari vehicle? Kind of a neat twist on eco-tourism.


  6. Sounds great... I am off to delve deeper. Re-purposed products (and more) here I come.

    Thanks for the link, Lisa.
