I have been reading about handmade deodorant for a few years now, but was always a bit skeptical. Each recipe seemed to involve melting stuff, or buying bulk ingredients to use in small amounts- not super practical. I have been off the traditional antiperspirant & deodorant for a long time since it is full of scary stuff like aluminum, phthalates & fragrance [See Secret Wide Solid's rating at Skin Deep] which is liked to neurological problems, cancer and reproductive toxicity. And there is an excessive amount of plastic used for each tube. Instead I used Trader Joe's deodorant which was pretty safe, eco friendly, and cheap. I saw no reason to make things more complicated for myself.

But here's the catch: I loved the Trader Joe's deodorant, and Toms of Maine, and other non-toxic deodorants I have used BUT they don't really work that well. I feel bad saying it, but they quit by the end of the day. I just assumed that was the nature of using non-toxic deodorants and have lived with it for far too long. Until now.
I came across this recipe, from this website and I had all the ingredients in my kitchen already. Plus there was no heating involved. But what really caught my attention was the rave reviews. And I am here to add to those reviews.
Let me say it loud and clear: THIS STUFF WORKS FOR ME. And it works all day, and in to the next. In fact, since I switched, I have not had one single moment of smelliness. Total awesomeness.
UPDATE: There is an instructional video and FAQ from the og website here: http://www.passionatehomemaking.com/2013/01/homemade-all-natural-deodorant.html

Homemade Amazing Deodorant:
Adapted from Passionate Homemaking
The original recipe calls for either corn starch or arrowroot powder, but since I had both, I used both. Some folks complained about irritation in the comments due to the amount of baking soda- and found that using less helped. I have had no problem with the amount of baking soda so I will continue with these proportions. Also the coconut oil can go from solid to liquid depending on the storage temperature. Mine stays at a perfect semi-solid in my bathroom, and melts to an oil when I rub between my fingers.
5-6 tablespoons coconut oil
1/8 cup arrowroot powder
1/8 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup baking soda
Several drops of bergamot oil [optional]
Mix the powders together in a jar and slowly add the coconut oil until you have a "pomade" consistency and powders are mostly dissolved. Add a few drops of oil until it has a lovely hint of scent.

To use, scoop out a pea sized amount and rub between your fingers to melt and create a smooth texture. Apply under your arms and rub any left into your hands as a moisturizer.
Since the coconut oil changes rapidly from a solid to a liquid I would not recommend trying to use a traditional deodorant "stick" but rather to scoop from the jar.
If you are at all hesitant about making your own, this is the recipe that will win you over! Non toxic, plastic free, sustainable, and extremely effective. Total win-win.
I would like to answer some questions from the comments. Please note that I am not a deodorant expert in anyway. I found this recipe on the internet and have been using it for 3+ years. I am just sharing & reviewing my experience with the recipe. Click the links above for the original recipe and read through the comments for more information.
Does the coconut oil cause oily stains on your clothes?
I haven't had any problems with staining. Test it out on an old shirt and let it dry first if you are nervous.
Just for clarification, this is just a deodorant, not an antiperspirant, right?
Yes, this is more of a deodorant than an antiperspirant BUT I have noticed considerably less sweating? It might be the corn starch or baking soda? Or just my body since I haven't used antiperspirant in 10 years and don't notice sweating that much anymore.
I am allergic to coconut so I was wondering what could be substituted for coconut oil?
For oil substitute? I don't know. Something shelf stable? Coconut oil is stable, anti-fugal and anti-bacterial which is why it works. Other homemade deodorant recipes use Shea butter- you might want to find a different recipe.
I really want to try this but I can't find arrowroot anywhere. Was wandering if maybe tapioca starch or anything else could be substituted?
You can find arrowroot in the spice section of the grocery stores. See jar pictured above. Other stores may have it in the baking section. Not sure about tapioca- but you can sub with corn starch.
We don`t want her using all that chemical on her. Has anyone used this for kids?
I have not tried this on a kid. I would test a small patch first for irritation. The baking soda can be harsh.
AND, I have one. I absolutely cannot stand Coconut. I even gag with the smell. I wish I wasn't like that, but I am. What can I substitute? Someone, Please help. :)
For oil substitute? I don't know. Something shelf stable? Coconut oil is stable, anti-fugal and anti-bacterial which is why it works. Some refined coconut oils do not smell like coconut- those might be your best bet. Other homemade deodorant recipes use Shea butter- you might want to find a different recipe.
You know your body best and can figure out what works for you.
UPDATE: There is an instructional video and FAQ from the og website here: http://www.passionatehomemaking.com/2013/01/homemade-all-natural-deodorant.html
I would like to answer some questions from the comments. Please note that I am not a deodorant expert in anyway. I found this recipe on the internet and have been using it for 3+ years. I am just sharing & reviewing my experience with the recipe. Click the links above for the original recipe and read through the comments for more information.
Does the coconut oil cause oily stains on your clothes?
I haven't had any problems with staining. Test it out on an old shirt and let it dry first if you are nervous.
Just for clarification, this is just a deodorant, not an antiperspirant, right?
Yes, this is more of a deodorant than an antiperspirant BUT I have noticed considerably less sweating? It might be the corn starch or baking soda? Or just my body since I haven't used antiperspirant in 10 years and don't notice sweating that much anymore.
I am allergic to coconut so I was wondering what could be substituted for coconut oil?
For oil substitute? I don't know. Something shelf stable? Coconut oil is stable, anti-fugal and anti-bacterial which is why it works. Other homemade deodorant recipes use Shea butter- you might want to find a different recipe.
I really want to try this but I can't find arrowroot anywhere. Was wandering if maybe tapioca starch or anything else could be substituted?
You can find arrowroot in the spice section of the grocery stores. See jar pictured above. Other stores may have it in the baking section. Not sure about tapioca- but you can sub with corn starch.
We don`t want her using all that chemical on her. Has anyone used this for kids?
I have not tried this on a kid. I would test a small patch first for irritation. The baking soda can be harsh.
AND, I have one. I absolutely cannot stand Coconut. I even gag with the smell. I wish I wasn't like that, but I am. What can I substitute? Someone, Please help. :)
For oil substitute? I don't know. Something shelf stable? Coconut oil is stable, anti-fugal and anti-bacterial which is why it works. Some refined coconut oils do not smell like coconut- those might be your best bet. Other homemade deodorant recipes use Shea butter- you might want to find a different recipe.
You know your body best and can figure out what works for you.
UPDATE: There is an instructional video and FAQ from the og website here: http://www.passionatehomemaking.com/2013/01/homemade-all-natural-deodorant.html
Does the coconut oil cause oily stains on your clothes? That is my only concern. Sounds awesome!
Nope. You don't use very much and it absorbs right in. The baking soda makes it "dry" feeling. I have been using it for 2 weeks now and there is nothing on my clothes- just checked. :)
yay. i've been on TJ's too... but i just might try this :)
this is just what i'm looking for. thanks for posting this! definitely going to try it.
I use the same recipe and have for several years. I love it!!! M husband uses it as well, but he adjusts the baking soda as his skin is more sensitive. It is hands down the best stuff I have used.
This is so helpful, I'd had the same results with those brands and my local store stopped carrying a green clay variety that had been working for me. Can't wait to test this out!
Just for clarification, this is just a deodorant, not an antiperspirant, right? I am all on board to try it, but I'd like to know what to expect in the wetness department...does the cornstarch take care of wetness too? (cause that would kick some serious homemade booty if it did!)
If anyone else tries this I would love to hear your feedback!
Yes, this is more of a deodorant than an antiperspirant BUT I have noticed considerably less sweating? It might be the corn starch or baking soda? Or just my body since I haven't used antiperspirant in 10 years and don't notice sweating that much anymore.
If you are switching from an antiperspirant you might notice a period of "detox" where your body adjusts- so I would give it a week or two.
I've never even thought about my deoderant being full of chemicals before but this has me so curious! I might need to give this a try for a spell and see how things go. Though I have super sensitive skin so I will just assume now that adjusting whatever it was you mentioned will be necessary.
I've been hesitant about trying out home made deodorants but I'm definitely going to try this out!
I've been thinking of trying a homemade deodorant for a while, but haven't quite taken the plunge. This makes it easy for me- thanks. Just one question, I don't shave my underarms- has anyone had experience with natural deodorants and hairy bits? If not I'll report back when I try it.
i made this right after my comment and have been using it since. i think it actually works better than my deodorant/antiperspirant. it still wears off for me by the end of the day, but i feel like i smell better than i did when the old one wore off. could just be imagining it...
Happy to report that I am impressed with it (even with hairy pits). Thanks- it was so easy to make.
Oh. My. Gosh. I LOVE this recipe! i was skeptical at first, but i decided to give it a try, because you said it worked for you. I had such good results i just had to blog about it! (http://leftofaverage-southofnormal.blogspot.com/)
thank you so much for sharing this recipe!!!
So glad this is working for everyone! Mine is still working and going strong!
Shash- I am wondering if you switched from regular antiperspirant to this- since you may have some detoxing effects. Give it a few weeks and hopefully it clear up and work better.
I can't wait to give this a try. Thanks for sharing!
Surfed over from winterfoliage, and I have to say, I switched to a non-aluminum deodorant early this year, and after 6 or more months of using a non-aluminum deodorant, I swear to goodness that I sweat less. I'm eager to try this recipe out, thanks for posting about the lack of oil stains from the coconut oil, I was worried about that.
I just tried this and love it. I found when I'm making it a heat op the coconut oil and everything mixes easier, I also pour it into a old deodorant tube and it's easier to apply.
My wife has been making this to your recipe for a year now and we've both been using it. I'm very happy to be avoiding the toxic metals/chemicals of supermarket deodorants and still be unstinky!
Tip for winter time: we keep a teaspoon on top of our jar to dig a little out when it's solid because of the cold.
Wow! I'm so excited and can't wait to try this!! So you don't smell but do you sweat still too or you also have no sweat either? Please let me know!
Also, I would love to include this on my blog! Could I do that and link to you?
And this is why it's important to read this comments! lol I just found the answer to my question! :) lol I'm so glad you posted this and other people asked already! :)
Well please let me know if it would be ok for me to use this! :) Cause I would love to post it!
I am allergic to coconut so I was wondering what could be substituted for coconut oil?
oooh, I'll keep it ! I'm gonna try it very soon.
I scented mine with three drops of lemongrass and two drops of citronella (which I had on hand for bug repellant) and it smells like a delicious lemon drop candy! Tea tree oil and lavender would be good for the extra odorous, and peppermint would have a wonderful cooling effect for the summer. This stuff is really great, I'm so happy to have an safe and effective alternative to traditional deodorants and antiperspirants. The only thing I would suggest is make sure to buy organic ingredients if possible, AND use unrefined, extra virgin coconut oil...it has more beneficial vitamins and has a light, lovely coconut scent.
I made this on Sunday, been using it all week, and it is AMAZING!! I cannot believe how non-stinky I am! I added a couple of drops of lavender oil, just because I love lavender so much. This stuff is wonderful. Thank, thank you!
so i've just made this, but it turned out a bit grainy. Looks and smells amazing, but when i rub a little bit between my fingers, it feels like a mild scrub... used orange blossom water to scent btw.
Wow! I'm so excited and can't wait to try this!! So you don't smell but do you sweat still too or you also have no sweat either? Please let me know! bulk nozzle 1290
I am going to try, however, my son STINKS!! STINKS, STINKS, STINKS!!
I am hoping to add a couple drops of oil to help combat this, but do you know if it actually helps with odor?
what size cup shall I use?
So I've tried this home made deodorant and it works awesome as far as smell goes and keeps me dry. But first go I used orange essential oil before finding out that it can be very harsh and it caused very painful red patchy swelling. So I tried over this time read up a little more and used lavender essential oil and 3 days in its starting to turn red and patchy again. Anyone else go through this? Is it normal or am I just freaky allergic to everything?
Unfortunately this made my armpits first itchy, then burn. I have very sensitive skin. I continued to use it, hoping I could just get myself used to it. I started getting bumps under my arms, kind of like a swollen clogged pore. The swelling got worse and I eventually got a fever.
Back to commercial gel deodorants for now... bummer.
Would grape seed oil also work. I use it all the time for a skin moisturizer so I know I'm not sensitive to it. Need to try this.
Wow, ok. Think imma try this soon. Gonna hafta get essential oils tho. don't really keep the stuff around
I've gotten a yeast-like infection under my arms after using home made deodorant like this before. :( Does anyone have any suggestion on how to correct this? Otherwise, I gotta keep using the Dove brand.
Cori- I have made/used stuff like this before and also had a reaction (rash-like irritation, oddly just on one armpit). When I omitted the baking soda, I didn't have the reaction. I also added lavender and tea tree oils for their oor-fighting and healing properties.
I really want to try this but I can't find arrowroot anywhere. Was wandering if maybe tapioca starch or anything else could be substituted? Thanks--I love blogs like this about natural products, especially things I can make.
To Dave M - I just found it online for about $6.50/lb at a place called Swanson Vitamins. Lots of sellers though and I didn't look at prices too carefully, so there might be better deals.
I was wondering, if you don't use arrowroot, do you just use 1/4 cup corn starch? Thanks to anyone who can help.
I saw this and immediately tried it and so far, so good - I love it :)
I had no problems getting arrowroot in the UK in a regular supermarket - I use it in gluten free/vegan cookery so maybe try a health food store?
What can substituted for arrowroot powder?
It could be the baking soda. I'm sensitive to it, too. I was using a deo from Lush which worked well, but the soda almost burns my skin...so I had to stop using it. My armpits would go all dry and scaly after the major redness went...icky! You could try way less soda or maybe even none at all. Coconut oil itself helps combat BO (I've used straight EVCO as deodorant before...it helps!). If you have too much stink still, maybe some tea tree oil in the mix would help more.
Did the previous one use coconut oil? Coconut oil is helpful in treating yeast infections (nursing moms use it to treat thrush, for example). Maybe this one won't cause that issue.
The article says you can just use corn starch.
Corn starch, like it says in the article.
I've been using plain old coconut oil as a deo....even straight, it helps combat BO. I'm super sensitive to baking soda, though...it almost burns my underarm skin so if I try this recipe, it'll either be sans soda or with very little!
I was having extreme sensitivity after applying regular deodorant/antiperspirant, and sweating excessively even when I wasn't hot. I switched to a similar recipe to this one a couple months ago, and it doesn't stain clothes, works great on odor, and only occasionally has wetness problems. I use sage essential oil in mine to help with the sweating.
I'm guessing the bergamot essential oil is just for fragrance? Though it sounds like this wouldn't be needed, I've used plain coconut oil in the past, mixed just with tea tree oil. That's another anti-bacterial, which would reduce odor. I'm going to try this with the starches though to make it drier feeling.
I made this today (using 1/4 c cornstarch, no arrowroot) and added over 30 drops of bergamot, and there is still almost no scent in it other than the coconut. However scent aside, the product worked amazingly. I still can barely believe it. I was hot and sweaty today and applied it middle of the day when I made it (was already a tad stinky) and a couple hours later I was fresh smelling. Not stinky at all. Frankly amazed. Hope it continues to be such a success! I'd love to know how to get a bit of a scent to it - I stopped over the 30 drop mark because it was making the mixture too liquid, plus I was getting worried about how much essential oil was going in there.
Usually you would use Arrowroot powder OR cornstarch, not both. But I use the same recipe (I don't think i've ever measured though, haha.)
Just a big spoonful of coconut oil and enough cornstarch and baking soda (more baking soda than cornstarch) until it makes a thick paste, then I add some Lavender. Works better than ANYTHING I've used before! And I agree, Toms of Maine does not work very well. It's actually the worst I've ever used :/
I have a 10 year-old daughter. her teacher had a talk with the class about using deodorant. We don`t want her using all that chemical on her. Has anyone used this for kids?
There were many unanswered questions on here lastly, I hope you can come back and answer these ... anyone?
AND, I have one. I absolutely cannot stand Coconut. I even gag with the smell. I wish I wasn't like that, but I am.
What can I substitute? Someone, Please help. :)
Hi there! Wow- a lot of new comments! Let me start by saying that almost 3 years after I wrote this, I am still using the same recipe- and have had nothing but amazing results. Never going back. While traveling I will use a Tom's of Maine deodorant- but am always disappointed.
As for questions- if you are getting rashes/ irritation it may be the baking soda- don't use it or try reducing it. Also make sure you are not using baking powder.
For oil substitute? I don't know. Something shelf stable? Coconut oil is stable, anti-fugal and anti-bacterial which is why it works. Some refined coconut oils do not smell like coconut- those might be your best bet. Other homemade deodorant recipes use Shea butter- you might want to find a different recipe.
I have not tried this on a kid. I would test a small patch first for irritation. The baking soda can be harsh.
I have stopped using oils in it since it basically eliminates any kind of scent.
You can sub corn starch for arrowroot and visa versa. I have made it both ways and not noticed a difference.
I am not a deodorant expert. This is the only recipe I have made and I haven't made any changes. You know your body best and can figure out what works for you.
UPDATE: There is an instructional video and FAQ from the og website here: http://www.passionatehomemaking.com/2013/01/homemade-all-natural-deodorant.html
Just mixed some up. Made the most basic kind cause I didn't have arrowroot or bergamot, really hoping it works. I found a brand of natural deodorant that works reasonably well, but not like "traditional" deodorants... as you said, I always assumed that natural deodorants just wouldn't work as well. Plus, the kind I buy is kind of expensive! So hopefully this works, will let you know after a few days how it's going!
even this sounds too complicated for me..Ive been using plain old baking soda as deodorant for years and it leaves me fresh throughout the whole day..I just wet my hand, pour a little baking soda in my hand and rub under my arms..simple and effective!
Hello! I had read about coconut oil for deodorant too, but I was worried it would be too greasy, so I combined coconut oil and baking soda - that's it. It works better than any natural deodorant I've purchased (and as good as those stinky "unscented" conventional ones). I posted about it on my blog at http://thegreengazelle.blogspot.com/2013/08/winning-battle-with-me-stinky-pits.html. Wondering if anyone else has had luck with just coconut oil and baking soda?
I was very pleased to find this site.I wanted to thank you for this great read!! I definitely enjoying every little bit of it and I have you bookmarked to check out ne w stuff you post Deodorant Alternatives
Something in this recipe sets my armpits on fire! I believe it's the baking soda.
Make sure to get Aluminum-Free Baking Soda, as most commercial brands contain it. Aluminum is a common antiperspirant additive which our lymph system is unable to filter out, one of only three such metals and a leading suspect for causing cancer.
Just have to thank you for this recipe. The TJs and Tom's didn't even last an hour for me. This works for a couple days in a row. It does not stain my clothing, which I was concerned about. The only thing to beware of is traveling, does not travel well because it melts and separates easy and mixing it back up doesn't make it work again. I keep it in the cooler on road trips!
Sherene, Expeller Pressed coconut oil has no smell. You might try that.
For those looking for a coconut oil replacement, you can use vegetable glycerin.
I also add tea tree oil for an additional anti-fungal/bacterial boost.
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A word about Cornstarch. My MD told me not to use Cornstarch powder for relief from what turned out to be Candida skin rash (yes, the same fungus that causes vaginal yeast infection). "Yeast LOVES cornstarch!" she said.
I'm hoping with this concoction including coconut oil, maybe the anti-fungal properties will counteract that issue. I love the idea of less (or none) of the usual chemical-y ingredients, especially triclosan, which is in everything, and has turned up in mommy's breastmilk.
Of course, every product says to quit using if rash develops, etc. I offer this note only to add food for thought, if someone reading here recognises her own situation.
THANKS for posting the recipe, I'm looking forward to giving it a try.
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Wow Just Truly Great....Thanks Femshape
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There is such a thing as Unscented Coconut oil...??!!? I know, right?! I didn't believe it either and then I smelled it..! I don't know if it's available where you are but could be worth a bit of research :-) good luck!
Where can i find arrowroot powder and bergamot oil? Is there any of that here in the philippines.. thanks
Here in the UK Palmer's Coco Butter is sometimes used by excema sufferers when nothing else soothes their skin. No other brand works like it, nor does Palmers unscented version.
If Shea butter can be substituted, then this may work also. Not that I have used it this way. Only as a body lotion for several decades and it does seem to have a long shelf life. Smells beautifully of chocolate too.
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I always assumed that natural deodorants just wouldn't work as well. Plus, the kind I buy is kind of expensive! So hopefully this works, will let you know after a few days how it's going. and more that I still can barely believe it. I was hot and sweaty today and applied it middle of the day.
Sent with tea tree oil. That helps combat yeast also..
I was wondering, does this.cause your armpits to darken.or will it help with whitening?
With the amount of this recipe, how long does one jar last? A month? More? Assuming one person uses a jar. Thanks!
I am doing this amazing cosmetic from one year. I add just a little bit of soda. I have sensitive skin. And I add rose oil or lavender oil.
At the beginning it took my body around two weeks to get used to. So I was sweating. But not anymore:)
This seems almost to good to be true! I must give it a try. But first-
I have a problem with a being a bit sweaty, so I was wondering, if I sweat, will this concoction stain my clothes? (The way some deodorants leave a white residue)
Making today, can't wait. Switched to natural deodorant recently, but many make me irritated and don't work well. But I can attest to the fact that your body must detox before it levels out when switching. Don't give up too soon. Sweating isn't a bad thing, it's the smell that's bad, but that will change as you continue w/o the blocking ingredients. Every week, it's less and less, even at home w/o wearing any deodorant. Try it.
Thank you for this great article i gathered lots of useful information Dermatologists in hauz khas
Alternative to Coconut Oil:
6 Tbsp shea butter (1/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp)
1/4 c baking soda
1/4 c corn starch
10 drops tea tree oil
10 drops lavender oil
melt the shea butter then add everything to it and mix very thoroughly. Pour into an old deo container and put in freezer to set.
I've been using this for many months now, and love it! I have two issues I was hoping you could help with.
Now that we've had temperatures near 100 (obviously not indoors; I keep my deoderant in my bedroom), my homemade deoderant has completely separated. The oil is at the top, and everything else is congealed at the bottom. Any suggestions? I would really rather not refrigerate it and have to use it in the kitchen!
Secondly, I kmow this has been addressed before, but it's really staining my clothes, even though I'm using it as described. Thank you for any advice you can give me!
I mixed some coconut oil, jojoba oil, lavender, orange & tea tree EOs together into s small container. It's liquid already so I just swirl it around with my fingers, rub onto my underarm, then I sprinkle a bit of baking soda onto my oily hands and dab on top of the oil. It works SO well! I tried mixing the baking soda in before (I also used the arrowroot) and it didn't seem to last as long/work as well. For me at least. I think the powder on top "seals" it or something...
I have been using this type of deoderant for over a month. I also keep just straight coconut oil for the days I shave.
can I add a few drops of lemon. just for the smell and to lighten my armpits.
Someone above asked about another oil because coconut oil smell made them gag... I once bought coconut oil refined and it didn't smell like coconut oil at all. I was disappointed and returned it, but this may be an option for those who don't like the coconut scent.
I believe arrowroot is tapioca.
i noticed i need to reapply if im really sweating like at the gym or something.
I haven't tried this method yet, but had bad reactions to Tom's natural deodorants. Horrible burning and a gross rash. I'm allergic to something in them. A salt stick works best for me right now. I get them in the natural product section of my grocery store but they should carry them in the deodorant isle as well if there isn't a natural section in yours. I never smell after using the salt but still sweat some and my shirt will start to smell in arm pits sometimes. Nothing too terrible though. Since I've stopped using chemical antiperspirants, I actually sweat less which is great. I'm going to try this recipe next and see how it goes!
i made this yesterday, the only issue that i ran into was that maybe it's too warm in my house but it was SUUUUUPER liquidy, i doubled the dry ingredients and it's still nowhere near "pomade" texture. should i keep it in the fridge? today i used it in it's liquidy form and have been really impressed with it!
Is this for guys or girls? or both?
I've been using just straight coconut oil not mixing all those other things and it have been working good for me. It's been about 2-3 weeks.
I too have used straight coconut oil for weeks and it works good.
Vegetable shortening like Crisco can stand in for coconut.
Is this only for females? Or can males use it as well?
This recipe REALLY works, unfortunately, I could only use it 3 days before I developed a rash. Do you know of any adjustments I can make to prevent this? Thanks!!!
Can anyone tell me if using something labelled cornflour for cornstarch is likely to be okay? I know in the UK the terms are used interchangeably sometimes, but I'm getting differing information on how much difference it's likely to make.
I am thinking about trying this and would like to know if other essential oils can be substituted. For instance rose oil but I am worried it might stain white clothes because the rose oil has a reddish color. Also, does the oil have to be antibac?
This recipie is just amazing. Both my youngest son and I use it. We can't get over the lack of smell! I am glad that he can stop putting chemicals on at a young age. Not for black or dark singlets though. :-)
HATE/ALLERGIC TO COCONUT OIL: You can sub almond oil, which is found in health food stores in the body section, or castor oil, both are carrier oils used often in body oil recipes.
ABOUT ARROWROOT: I looked in the spice & baking sections of many grocery stores, but only after a mad hunt, I found it in the "gluten-free" and dietary health section of a standard grocery. Look for a grocery that carries Bob's Red Mill- they'll have his bag in that section. If you don't have a store that caters to this near you, order online.
oh, if you want it less oily: I also used less oil to make it more stiff with great success- it is like a smooth dough ball when you are mixing it in the bowl.
Also, I live in new orleans & I keep my apt warm, so I store this in a tiny, 1/4 cup Mason jar in the fridge to keep the oil stiff.
This is tremendously beautiful post but what if someone is allergic to coconut oil ?
Hand sanitizer works well as deoderant, not anti-perspirant, right from the bottle and has built in moisturizer.
There is! It's fractionated coconut oil. There is a common brand, it's even at Walmart, called LouAna that is unscented.
Thanks so much for this!
I have been checking home/natural recipes for ages and I do use baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) for all and everything, but hadn't thought of coconut oil for deodorant!
It must make skin look great and moisturized, on top of all!
As someone mentioned, corn starch makes yeast and other bacterial infections worse.
Baking soda must also be balanced for each specific case. Besides absorbing moist and odor, it raises the PH and it can end up killing the good bacteria we need on our skin (mostly acid), giving room for the nasty bacteria to grow.
About corn starch and corn flour: it's 2 different things!
Corn flour is ground corn. Corn starch is known in Europe by the commercial brand Maizena, found at every grocery store/supermarket. (But any brand will do, as long as it's 100% corn starch.)
Spread the word, keep homemade/ancient knowledge alive! ;)
A yeast infection is clinically known as candidiasis. There are more than 20 species of yeasts responsible for infections in humans, but those caused by the fungus Candida albicans are the most common. Yeast is a fungus which thrives almost everywhere including the human body (skin and mucous membrane), but they usually don’t cause any infection as they are controlled by our immune system. It is when you are sick or are on medications (antibiotics), that these organisms start to multiply, resulting in an infection.
To Know What Is yeast infection Visit The Link
Three out of every four women will have at least one vaginal infection caused by yeast overgrowth at some point in their lives, and half of all women will have more than one. In other words, this type of vaginal infection is extremely common.
All About Yeast InfectionVisit The Link
The vagina always contains small amounts of yeast. When you’re healthy, that yeast (technically, a fungus known as Candida albicans) exists in harmony with your immune system and your other normal vaginal microorganisms. But when something disrupts this balance, the yeast can grow quickly, becoming dense enough to cause the symptoms of a full-blown infection.
How To Treat Yeast Infection In Women
simple and very effective, unless you have recurrent infection (usually for or more times a year).Vaginal yeast infection is inflammation of vaginal mucosa (vaginitis), a medical condition that causes vaginal discharge, severe itching and irritation. Vaginal yeast infection may also involve vulva (the opening of vagina).
How To Treat Yeast Infection In Male
simple and very effective, unless you have recurrent infection (usually for or more times a year).Vaginal yeast infection is inflammation of vaginal mucosa (vaginitis), a medical condition that causes vaginal discharge, severe itching and irritation. Vaginal yeast infection may also involve vulva (the opening of vagina).
How To Treat Yeast Infection In Male
my armpits stink still I did not add the bergamot oil, I added lavendar oil could that be why?
I make my own that is similar to this, and yes it works great. I use tea tree oil. I saved a container from the last underarm solid that I bought. I cleaned it out and while my new mixture was still spoonable, I filled it up. It works well.
Is there any other oil similar to coconut oil? I am allergic to coconut anything, and hate that all DIY's usually have it:)
What's the recommended shelf life of this mixture?
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I have used baking soda for years. Then I discovered coconut oil. I just rub coconut oil in armpit and then rub on baking soda. Works better for odor and sweating than store bought. Healthier and cheaper.
I can't rave enough about coconut oil
It has great antibiotic property. I even used to clear up a fungal toenail that nothing else touched.
Just a quick FYI. If you look for 76 degree coconut oil it has less of a coconut smell or taste than the stuff at the market. Typically you can find it at baking supplies or soaper supplies.
Great deodorant BTW!
Hey, I'm thinking of trying this but just wondered what the shelf life of this is and where you should best store it?
I have for a year now been using a natural deoderant. Originall,y when I first researched this, I found that most sites would advise that it could take up to 6 weeks for your body to adjust to the natural deoderant. Well,it took my body nearly 9 months of constant sweat and stinkyness, but i persevered. I now wont go back to a shop bought deoderant and i like choosing different scents.
Try Lavilin! It's never failed me, and I've used it for nearly a decade.
adding rose water to this naturally fresh deodorant will give you more fragrance
I haven't tried this recipe for deo, but I have made a coconut oil balm that was very effective for rashes, skin irritations, etc. One way to make it less melty with temperature fluctuation is to add a tiny bit of beeswax to the melted oil. It's possible it could be poured into a stick-form that way. I'm going to try this for my brother, who has very sensitive skin and has pretty much ruled out all commercial natural options.
I will try this! I've used nothing but baking soda for a few years now. It's great! But, sometimes a hint of scent would be nice
Very interesting topics here in your site mate. Can't wait to read more of your blogs. Just keep it coming.Visit my blog also http://hashmidawakhana.com/
When I finally took the all natural deodorant plunge, I kept coming back to this recipe, so had to try it. Glad I did! I LOVE IT! When I ran out, I couldn't find the darned recipe to save my life, soooo, a hunting I did go. Found another that seemed similar, but I didn't like it near as much as this one. I have suffered through until TODAY, when I found this recipe again. I now have it saved in multiple places so I don't lose it again! This goes quite well with my homemade body wash, shampoo, and perfume. I LOVE DIY! and ALL NATURAL!
I definitely enjoying every little bit of it. It is a great website and nice share. I want to thank you. Good job! You guys do a great blog, and have some great contents. Keep up the good work.
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I have used Milk of Magnesia for deodorant for several years. I left the bottle open so it would thicken and then apply it and use the hair dryer to dry it. I am going to try this and see how it works. But I do know that the MoM works better than anything that I have ever tried, even prescription deodorant.
The only con to using this,(i've been using this 2 years+),is if you store your off season clothes you must wash in as warm water as possible or you'll be left with dark stains in the arm pit area of your clothes.
I find arrowroot in the gluten free aisle of the grocery store.
Just to let you know, lavender and tea tree will act like estrogen in your body. There was an account of three different boys who were growing. Extra tissue in the breast area, basicaly growing boobs, found out had been getting tea tree oil stopped it. Breast tissue went away. Just like medication there is a good side and bad side to every herb and spices. Like lavender and tea tree men should stay away from soy and flax seed, will mimic estrogen in the body and these two have alot. Just like cinnamon is good for the runs, but to much can be constipating. Also good for blood sugar. Peppermint is an antiviral but lowers blood pressure. Tumeric has alot of health benefits but also ups your hormone progesterone. Regular white button mushrooms ups your tetosterone. Etc etc do the research
Just to let you know, lavender and tea tree will act like estrogen in your body. There was an account of three different boys who were growing. Extra tissue in the breast area, basicaly growing boobs, found out had been getting tea tree oil stopped it. Breast tissue went away. Just like medication there is a good side and bad side to every herb and spices. Like lavender and tea tree men should stay away from soy and flax seed, will mimic estrogen in the body and these two have alot. Just like cinnamon is good for the runs, but to much can be constipating. Also good for blood sugar. Peppermint is an antiviral but lowers blood pressure. Tumeric has alot of health benefits but also ups your hormone progesterone. Regular white button mushrooms ups your tetosterone. Etc etc do the research
Home based deodorants whether created from baking soda or any other product are the best deodorants since they contain all the natural ingredients. These natural or aluminium free deodorants work in a perfect way. They not only provide all day protection but also keeps the child healthy and safe for always. http://www.wekeepitkind.com/uk/
Been using natural deodorants for years and years (like Tom's, etc.), tried this about 8 months ago. Works great for me! My perspiration smelled weird for three days but has been fine ever since. Hardly ever smell body odor on myself, certainly much less than when I was using store bought deodorants (which was daily). Thanks! Split the recipe in half and it lasted about 5 months. The coconut oil does melt in the summer when it's super hot though, haha!
My biggest fear is body odor. I have tried other homemade deodorant recipes without success. I was very hesitant to try anymore. I did try this recipe. HURRAH !!!! This one works !!!!!!! I do spray a little witch hazel (alcohol) on my underarms first. I use a makeup sponge to rub the concoction on me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I have been using this deodorant recipe for a couple years now. I love to use tea tree oil and lemongrass oils in it so refreshing. I only use arrowroot powder.
I do want everyone to know you need to let your armpits detox for a couple weeks means wear nothing and then it will work great for you. I stopped a couple times using other natural ones cause I didn't think it was working. Since I detoxed and you will know when you are done you will smell really really bad then in a couple weeks up to a month depending on age and use I suppose you won't have any smell.
For those that are sensitive to the baking soda as I am (it causes a rash for me), I've found that it has to do with the level of acidity in our food. As a predominantly raw vegan, when I don't eat any cooked food and, therefore, there is no acidity in my diet, those days I can use baking soda with no problem. But any amount of cooked food results in acidity that reacts to the baking soda and I get a rash. To avoid the entire issue, I replaced the baking soda years ago with any time of cornstarch. Tapioca, arrow root, regular corn starch, any of those work. I knew to substitute it as in Mexico, where my mom is from, cornstarch is used extensively to avoid diaper rash in infants. And it works for me. I have the same benefits as baking soda without the rashes. So no matter what I eat, no reaction with starches. Hope this helsp.
This post is really awesome. In summers to make myself unstinky i take a bath
Armpits are designed to sweat for a good reason. However, a morning spray or roll of products designed to stop this natural process has actually become a normal part of most of our morning routines. My Son has body odor, is often a complain made by parents, however i have gone gluten free deodorants and they are amazing for health benefits, while protecting against body odor as well.
Yourself:-I have learned new things and get the information.Thanks for sharing this post.
The use of aluminum deodorant in the underarm will block the sweat pores. This condition develops causing allergies to your skin. Get gluten free deodorant and no more skin allergy!
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The deodorants which are made up of free aluminum such as- natural deodorants can reduce the body odor from sweating. The natural deodorant ingredients – Rose, lemon, citrus and oil are effective for the Kids body odor.
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Its a pleasure for me to write this testimony about how i got my Genital Herpes simplex been reading so many comments of some people who were cured from various diseases by Dr ubarlo but i never believed them. I was hurt and depressed so I was too curious and wanted to try Dr ubarlo, then i contacted him through his email when i contact him, he assured me 100% that he will heal me, i pleaded with him to help me out. My treatment was a great success, he healed me just as he promised. he sent me his medication and ask me to go for check up after one weeks of taking the medication. i agreed with him i took this medication and went for check up a , to my greatest surprise my result was negative after the treatment, i am really happy that i am cured and healthy again. I have waited for 3weeks to be very sure i was completely healed before writing this testimony. I did another blood test one week ago and it was still Herpes negative. so i guess its time i recommend anyone going through Herpes HSV-1 or HSV-2, HIV, HPV, Hepatitis B, Diabetes, Cancer reach him through Email drubarlohome@gmail.com OR add on whatsapp +2348119508814
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Good day everyone i am from zambia, I have this
great opportunity to share this testimony about
how I get cure for my HIV,Two years ago I was
HIV positive so I was suffering from it I was
doing one thing or the order to get a cure there
was know way for it so I was on my research on
the internet I saw a testimony of a young man,
about how DR udo get a cured for HIV
with his herbal medicine I was surprise and I
do not believe I said okay let me try him I
contact him that night on his email and he gave
me instructions and I follow it he told me what
to do and I did it, after a week he sent to me
the medicine true DHL he told me how to use it
and I did exactly how he instructed me to use it,
after two weeks he told me that I should go for
test, indeed I did it, and behold I was HIV
"negative" am so grateful Doctor, now am happy
with my Husband and two kids I want to use this
opportunity to say this, please if you have this kind
of disease called HIV, I want you to contact him on is
email; DR.(udoherbalhome@gmail
.com) or whatsapp
him +2347042731673 also help you get a cure for HPV, HERPES,
CANCER,disease and he can cure you from any kind of diseases
with his herbal medicine. all you have to do is to believe
him. thank you my Dr udo may god bless you.....
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